
2025 Scholarships

If you know someone in college or headed off to college this year majoring in construction or related industries, please make sure they apply for one of the following scholarships:

$5,000 scholarship to a 4 year Institution 


$1,000 scholarship to Trade School/Skill Equivalent Course


To provide scholarship funds that are paid to the school of the recipient for the purpose of financial aid of the applicant’s academic endeavors. This scholarship is awarded based on these four criteria: Academic Ability, Need, Outside Activities and Reference Evaluations.   


Applicants shall be limited to students who are sponsored by a ‘Mentor Sponsor’. Applicants shall be committed to pursuing a full time, commercial construction industry related course of study leading to an Associate, BS, or Post Graduate Degree for the academic year stated in the title of this application.


Mentor Sponsor:

A Mentor Sponsor is a commercial construction industry affiliate that has confidence the applicant fits criteria set forth in this application and is deserving of the scholarship(s) to assist with academic endeavors. A Mentor Sponsor’s company or firm must be an active, current year paid member of the Charleston Contractors’ Association.



The Applicant(s) that exhibits the best of each of the criteria set forth in this application according to the ‘Scholarship Committee’.


Scholarship Committee:

Current year’s Board Members of the Charleston Contractors’ Association and/or representatives designated as a Scholarship Committee.



1.      Must be enrolled in a continuing education institution for the Academic Year stated in the title of this application.

2.      Pursuing a field of study related to the commercial construction industry.

3.      Have a Mentor Sponsor

4.      Submit completed application and required attachments by due date of June 7, 2025.


Submission:     (Incomplete applications will not be considered.)

1.      Application

2.      Official Transcripts 

3.      Extracurricular essay

4.      Scholarship essay

5.      Evaluation Form from Guidance Counselor or Faculty Advisor

6.      Evaluation Form from Mentor Sponsor

7.      Evaluation Form from Non-Related Adult